April Edition

Translated from Gnim by CMG Kay P

Dear Comalito,
Freezing temperatures have left my garden perennials drier and browner this year, it seems. Ornamental grasses too seem to have fully browned more than in years past. How should I revive them?

Understudy for Spring

Dear Understudy,
I’m so glad you asked. This was something I learned when I was an elflet taking the Comal Master Gardeners’ certification course. First, look for green at the bottom of these plants or on budding limbs, then cut back about half the plant’s size, (drastic haircut but it will regrow.) Then water well and after the new growth seems to be coming on strongly, feed lightly.

Dear Comalito,
I set out some tomatoes in my garden, and while my back was turned a couple of sneaky cutworms nipped two off at the ground!  The gall!!! What should I do?

So Very MAD

Dear So Very,
Make little collars for your tomatoes. Use strips of aluminum foil four inches square and crimp around the stems. Or, if you save paper rolls, cut them to height, split down the side and slip around the tomato plants. Let the shield touch the ground and embed it a little.  The wormy friends will be put off and go elsewhere. I know this sounds fiddly, and it is, but you will be So Very Happy in July when all your tomatoes ripen.   


March Edition

Translated from Gnim by CMG Kay P   

Dear Comalito,
Now that the weather is warm, when can I start planting seeds in the garden?

Dear Eager,
Now that we are past the last average frost date and night time temps are consistently in the mid 50’s, you can start planting your summer veg and flowers anytime.  Most seeds will take 10-15 days to get going and by then, warmer weather and more direct sun will make them move right along.

Dear Comalito,
What are your favorite green beans to plant in the garden?
So Many Choices

Dear So Many,
I like Kentucky Wonder Bush variety.  They are prolific producers, and easy to pick, no poles required.