We find the following sites useful and wanted to share them with you. We are not affiliates, make no commission on any purchases you make, and offer no warranty as to the accuracy of the information you find there. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. References to commercial products or trade names are made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension or Comal Master Gardeners is implied.
- Texas A&M Horticulture Department: https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ (All things horticultural)
- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension: https://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu/ (Find research-based information and sustainable solutions created to improve the well-being of the land, people and animals across the State of Texas.)
- Texas A&M Forest Service: http://texastreeid.tamu.edu/ (A great resource for identifying trees among other tree-type things)
- Plant Answers: https://aggie-hort.tamu.edu/plantanswers/answers.html (An archive of gardening information)
- Aggie Publications on Insects, Pests, and Diseases: https://agrilifelearn.tamu.edu/ Click on ‘Browse by Category’ to get started.
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: https://www.wildflower.org/ (Has a great database of native plants.)
- Rainwater Harvesting: https://www.rainbees.com/
- Rainwater Harvesting Consulting: https://texsunn4.wixsite.com/harvestrain
- Plants for Bexar County and South Texas: https://bexar-tx.tamu.edu/earth-kind-horticulture/best-plants-for-bexar-county-south-texas/
- Pollinator Gardens:
- Creating Pollinator Gardens: https://www.bottlestore.com/beesandhoneycreatingpollinatorgardens
- Fragrances for Pollinator Gardens: https://www.fragrancex.com/fragrance-information/flower_fragrances_that_attract_bees_and_butterflies_to_your_garden.html
- Guide to Gardening for Pollinators: (Thanks to Conner for the link!) https://www.kremp.com/guide-to-flower-gardening-for-pollinators/
- Gardening and Pest Fact Sheets: https://www.austintexas.gov/department/grow-green
- Texas Oak Wilt: https://texasoakwilt.org/
- Native American Seed Source: https://seedsource.com/
- Wildseed Farms: https://www.wildseedfarms.com/
- Be creative–try topiary! (Thanks to Ms Parker’s class for the link!) www.topiarytree.net/resource-
center/which-plants-make-the- best-topiaries.html - Neil Sperry’s Gardens: https://neilsperry.com/
- The Dirt Doctor (Howard Garrett) : https://www.dirtdoctor.com/
- Save the Bees: https://thehoneybeeconservancy.org/
- How to Sharpen Tools: https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/sharpening-knives-scissors-and-tools/
- How to Build a Raised Garden Bed: https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2010/10/E-560_raised_bed_garden.pdf
- Texas Superstar® Information: texassuperstar.com
- A potpourri of information for the Central Texas gardener: https://www.centraltexasgardener.org
- Weed Identification: https://aggieturf.tamu.edu/turfgrass-weeds/
- Gardening with kids: https://www.raleighrealtyhomes.com/blog/gardening-with-kids.html
- Gardening Basics:https://couponfollow.com/research/diy-gardening-and-landscaping-ideas
- Plant Identification: A collection of sites to help identify plants (Thanks to 9-year old Cassie Price for the link): https://www.avasflowers.net/preview/flower-identification-resource-guide
- Area Master Gardener Sites:
- Bexar Master Gardeners— https://www.bexarmg.org
- Gonzales Master Gardeners— http://www.gonzalesmastergardeners.org/
- Guadalupe Master Gardeners— https://guadalupecountymastergardeners.org/
- Hays Master Gardeners– https://txmg.org/hays/
- Hill Country Master Gardeners— https://www.hillcountrymastergardeners.org/
- Travis Master Gardeners— http://www.tcmastergardeners.org/
- Victoria Master Gardeners— http://txmg.org/victoria