Types of Membership: There are six categories of CMG membership.
Active – Achieved annual recertification by completing required CE and Volunteer Hours, attending two business meetings, paying dues, signing the Volunteer Agreement Form, and having a current Background Check. Individuals have all privileges of membership.
Leave of Absence – Members who requested a Leave of Absence in writing. No CEs, Volunteer Hours or meeting attendance required. Dues must be paid. Members on LOA must have a current Background Check to participate in any CMG activities other than those open to the general public. May not vote or hold office or chair any committees.
Reinstatement – Formerly certified Master Gardeners who lost certification or membership status but are working to become recertified. Must complete required CE and Volunteer Hours and attend two meetings; must have a current Background Check and current signed Volunteer Agreement form; must pay dues; may not vote or hold office or chair any committees. Upon completion of recertification requirements members will be reinstated to Active status.
Emeritus – Member who retired in good standing and received the honorary title of Emeritus for distinguished service to the association. No required hours, attendance or dues. Retains voting privileges; must have current Background Check and signed Volunteer Agreement form to participate in any CMG activities other than those open to the general public. May be invited to serve in an advisory capacity.
Associate Member – Intern in the CMG Training Class. Non-voting membership while in training; no required dues. Associate Members will be accepted into Active membership upon completion of the Master Gardener Class, fifty (50) volunteer hours accomplished by the end of the class’ calendar year, and attendance of at least two (2) general membership business meetings in the same year.
Intern – Student who is enrolled in the Texas Master Gardeners program but has not yet certified.
Retired – Members who have completed a minimum of five years of active membership and who provide notification of their intent to no longer actively participate in CMG. Retired members have no requirements, but because of their long service may participate in CMG social events and in CMG activities open to the general public such as monthly General Meetings. Retired members may also request to continue receiving CMG monthly newsletters.