The Comal Master Gardeners association is built on the volunteer spirit of all its members.  The CMG Recognition Program seeks to recognize and reward active members who exceed basic certification requirements by volunteering and logging their hours at approved CMG locations.  The program has four tiers of annual recognition:  Legions (50 volunteer hours- 10 CE Hours-2 monthly meetings); Centurion (100-199 volulnteer hours, 10-2), Top Centurion (200+ volunteer hours, 10-2) and the Triumphus award for the top three volunteers with the most hours in the calendar year, 10-2.  The program is run from Jan 1 – Dec 31 of each year.

Pins are available for pick-up at the General Membership meetings.

The Legions Pin design is changed every year.  If you’d like to help on the Pin Committee or help design the next Legion pin email us at