One of CMG’s goals is to educate Comal County residents and organizations on the latest techniques for Earth-Kind ® gardening of vegetables and ornamentals, to promote conservation of water and environmentally sound methods of landscaping, and to encourage caring for nature and wildscapes.
Comal Master Gardeners are available to present gardening and landscaping information to garden clubs and community organizations on many topics, including:
- Bonsai
- Butterflies
- Composting
- Cooking with …
- Edible Landscaping
- Entomology
- Herbs
- Irrigation Efficiency
- Junior Master Gardening
- Keyhole gardening
- Oak Wilt
- Propagation
- Rain Gardens
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Vegetable Gardening
A free brochure is available to clubs and community organizations that further explain topics offered by our members.
To schedule a speaker or request a brochure, email, telephone: 830-620-3440, or contact us at
Comal Master Gardeners
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
325 Resource Drive
New Braunfels, TX 78132